Speech Pathologists Questions Speech and Language Problems in Children

What causes children to have a delayed speech?

My son is almost 4 years old and still hasn't said his first word. Sometimes he makes noises, like he is going to talk, but then he doesn't. What usually causes children to have a delayed speech?

14 Answers

You should have your pediatrician refer your child to speech therapy. That way they can determine if additional testing is needed to determine a cause and get your little one a way to communicate in the mean time. We have ways of establishing a communication board with pictures and even computer based options. Please seek out a local speech language pathologist for much needed assistance.
It can be a variety of reasons that could result in delayed expressive language. It's best to go to see a speech language pathologist by 18 months if your child is not using single words by then.
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Hi, Thanks for reaching out! There are a number of reasons that can cause delayed speech in children. I would bring up your concerns to their Pediatrician. Early Speech therapy is key for gaining age-appropriate landmarks.
There are many things that can result in delayed speech and language skills. Without knowing your child's medical history or hearing your child it is difficult to say what may be the root cause of their delay. I would recommend seeing a speech-language pathologist near you to have your child evaluated. You can also request an evaluation through your local area school district.
Gosh to be honest with you, that is a loaded question! There can be so many different things that can be involved when a child has a language delay or disorder. But the best advice I can give at this time, would absolutely be to get your child evaluated by a Speech Therapist! Oftentimes delayed speech/language can cause various other issues as well and by 4 years old a child should definitely be using a lot of different words, word combinations and sentences. Nothing to be extremely alarmed about, as it is very common, but it is something that definitely should be addressed now!
A speech and/or language delay can be cause by many different things. I would suggest getting a comprehensive evaluation by a speech language pathologist or developmental professional.
There are hundreds of reasons for late talking including neurological problems, developmental disorders, intellectual disabilities, motor planning difficulties, and more. A speech therapist would be able to evaluate your child and help you figure out what the problem is.
Have you taken him to the pediatrician and had his hearing check?
There are many reasons for a child not talking. Could be hearing loss, Autism, any syndrome, many conditions. The important thing is that your child is four and has not said a word. He should be evaluated as soon as possible by a speech language pathologist. You can also contact your school district and they can schedule an evaluation. Some insurances need a referral from your pediatrician. Please don’t delay. One to three years is critical speech and language learning period and your child is beyond this. You must start treatment so your child can catch up quickly.
Thanks for reaching out. There are numerous factors that causes a speech delay or disorder. The most common are Autism Spectrum Disorders, Apraxia of Speech, Audiological and Phonological disorders etc. But right now the most important thing other than finding the cause is taking him for
1.Speech Language Evaluation
A speech pathologist will then refer you if needed to an
2.Audiological Evaluation and/or
3.Neurological Evaluation
Each child is different and develops at his or her own pace. If your son is not meeting communication milestones, I would recommend seeing a specialist for an evaluation.
There are many factors that can cause delayed speech. I would recommend your son receive a speech-language evaluation to help determine what is the root cause as well as determine goals/objectives for your son to work on to improve his expressive and potentially receptive language.
There are many different etiologies for delayed speech. I would recommend you have him seen by a speech language pathologist for an evaluation.
There can be many reasons why a child's speech is delayed. Early intervention is extremely important. Please find a licensed Speech and Language Pathologist near you. For assistance, please go to:
