“What causes colon cancer?”
I'm 45 years old, and I was just diagnosed with colon cancer. I had no symptoms at all though, and the doctor found it during my first screening. What usually causes it?
5 Answers
I suspect that it is a genetic problem. There are multiple genetic abnormalities that can result in colon cancer at a young age. A common one is called Lynch syndrome.
We don't know exactly what causes colon cancer. Like most cancers, it is a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Most colon cancer starts from a small colon polyp that over time enlarges and transforms into cancer. The U.S. has a lot of colon cancer compared to the rest of the world, maybe due to high consumption of red meat, low fiber in the diet.
Good luck. I hope that you can be cured.
Good luck. I hope that you can be cured.
I’m so sorry to know about this. Colon cancers are being increasingly diagnosed in people below 50 years of age. It is this young group of people for whom I’m repeatedly advising colon cancer screening. The causes are thought to be an inherited/genetic predisposition to the disease.
I wish you a complete recovery. Fight it with all you have. My best wishes.
I’m so sorry to know about this. Colon cancers are being increasingly diagnosed in people below 50 years of age. It is this young group of people for whom I’m repeatedly advising colon cancer screening. The causes are thought to be an inherited/genetic predisposition to the disease.
I wish you a complete recovery. Fight it with all you have. My best wishes.