Colon & Rectal Surgeon Questions Colon Cancer

Colon cancer

About 3 weeks ago, I had a much larger, harder to pass stool than I’m used to. I strained very hard to get it out.. since then, I have had bright, red blood in my stool every now and then. Not a lot, just a little. Some of the surface of my stool and when I wipe. My initial thought was an anal fissure but the fact that it’s still going on after 3 weeks is weird and has me worried it could be something more. I also have what I believe to be bad IBS/acid reflux symptoms

Female | 29 years old
Complaint duration: 3 weeks
Medications: Klonopin, gaviscon
Conditions: Anxiety, acid reflux

1 Answer

U are a bit younger to have colon cancer. However if the bleeding occurred after a hard bowel movement then 2 reason should be considered- 1) an anal fisssure or 2) hemorrhoids. First rules these 2 factors. Then polyps can cause bleeding. Lastly, polyps or cancer-u should have a colonoscopy.