“What causes sharp stabbing pain in the eye?”
I am a 38 year old female. I have sharp stabbing pain in the eye. What causes sharp stabbing pain in the eye?
9 Answers
Eye pain is a non-specific symptom with causes ranging from dry eye, irritation, to less commonly high intraocular pressure. You should visit your ophthalmologist for a complete examination to find out the reason for your ocular pain.
There are many reasons to have a sharp pain in the eye. They include a dry eye or foreign body or lash in the eye, One can also have a viral (herpetic) infection of the cornea, elevation of pressure in the eye, etc., that can lead to this discomfort. It is recommended that you seek the advice of an ophthalmologist to evaluate your particular situation.
Sharp stabbing pain and n a 38 year old woman is most likely dry eye As hormones start to change around age 40 the eyes get dryer First you could try artificial tears ie refresh systane genteel theta tears 4 times a day if improved can continue safely If no improvement see
an Eyecare professional as there are good prescription drops for certain types of dry eye . For example restsasis or xxidra.
an Eyecare professional as there are good prescription drops for certain types of dry eye . For example restsasis or xxidra.
Unfortunately without an examination it is difficult to know exactly why this is happening. When did your symptoms start? Is it one eye or both eyes? How long does your pain last? Is it a boring pain through the eye? Is there anything specific you are doing when it happens (eg having been reading or looking at a computer screen for a significant amount of time, or are you in a poorly lit room)? Are you having any other concurrent symptoms (redness, decreased vision)? Do you have any systemic medical conditions such as hypertension or diabetes? I would consider being examined by a medical professional for this.
Many things are possible, from sinus pressure infection to foreign body or dry eye. If it is persistent, you should seek out an ophthalmologist to evaluate your eye.
Usually not serious unless vision is affected. May be neuralgia, inflammation, trauma, dry eye, infection etc. See an ophthalmologist if this persists. SO
There is a long list of possibilities for sharp stabbing pain in the eye. It could be something as routine as dry eye, or something more serious like high pressure or inflammation in the eye. If it persists despite some artificial lubrication tears, you should be seen soon for a full eye exam.
There are many reasons you could have sharp, stabbing pains in the eye. Although likely benign such as dry eye, there are more serious causes such as infection or a retained foreign body. I would recommend you follow up with an eye care provider at your convenience, especially if it doesn’t resolve or worsens.
Best regards,
Eric Downing, MD
Best regards,
Eric Downing, MD