Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear ache

What could be the cause of ear pain?

I am a 31-year-old male and I have had 2 earaches this month. What could be the cause? Should I see a doctor?

4 Answers

Ear pain can have multiple causes. Deep wax sometimes causes pain. Sinus disease or allergy can cause ear pain. TMJ can cause ear pain that is referred from the jaw. Primary doc can take a look or see an ENT.
There are many causes of ear pain. One common cause is “eustachian tube dysfunction” where the pressure does not equalize properly. This is often due to allergies and congestion. Another common cause is infection. Infection can be “swimmers ear” or it can be a middle ear infection. Sometimes, “ear pain” is actually referred pain from the throat. I have also seen ear pain from a cockroach wedged inside the ear canal! (But uncomfortable blockages are usually just wax.) So as you can see, it is difficult to tell what the cause is without looking inside the ear. Every potential cause has a different treatment.
Ear pain can have multiple causes. It can be coming from ear infection, ear wax or swollen ear canal. Occasionally, it can be related to throat or neck problems. You will need to be examined by your physician to determine the exact cause of your pain.

Navdeep Kaur, MD
Middle ear infection, eustachian tube dysfunction, ear canal infection/inflammation, TMJ disorder, Cervical spine disorder, oral lesion, tumor, sensitivity to sound, neuralgia, q-tip usage, foreign body. See ENT