Orthopedist Questions Leg pain

What could be the cause of my leg pain when walking?

I am a 30 year old female and I have leg pain when walking. What could be the cause?

6 Answers

There are many causes of leg pain when walking. The joints can be causing it, either the hip, knee, or ankle. The low back can also be a source of leg pain when walking if you have pinched nerves there. Circulation can also be a source if you’re a smoker or somebody with a peripheral vascular disease. Or maybe you’re shoes don’t give you good support or they’re worn out needing change.
There can be a multitude of causes but pain is an inflammation that most likely is caused by an imbalance of muscular tissues. Joint pain may be caused by a decrease in fluid that typically happens due to inactivity. Either way, it would be beneficial to see a physical therapist to get examined and treatment for the pain.
It could be any of 100 things. The most common is sore muscles if you've just started walking or increased the speed or distance.
There a wide variety of causes for leg pain while walking, it depends where the location is:

1.) Is the pain just around a specific area of the leg, like the knee? (That would mean more of a joint problem)
2.) Does the pain start in the lower back and then travels down the leg? (More of a nerve problem)
3.) Did you have a recent fall or injury?

With a bit more information, most causes are easier to figure out.
You need to seek medical treatment. This is often referred to as claudication. Could be a circulation problem, problem with vein or arteries, or a problem stemming from the nerves in the back.
There may be several causes. You should be seen by a physician