“What could be the cause of my son's diarrhea?”
My 11 year old son has had diarrhea for 3 days. Will it go away on its own? What can cause this?
5 Answers
Short-term diarrhea is often from a mild infection. It should be self limited. If it goes on for more than 2 weeks, if there is blood or weight loss, then seek medical care.
It could be viral or bacterial. Viral usually does not need treatment, only hydration, but bacterial needs antibiotic treatment.
There are many causes of diarrhea. But vast majority are simple viral diarrhea. They can last up to a week. If he has any blood and mucus you have to think of a bacterial cause but generally kids will be sicker also. No testing is required for viral diarrhea but just managing fluid intake and diet changes. Eat more of a BRAT diet and avoid fried foods etc.