“What does tooth erosion feel like?”
I am a 35 year old male. I want to know what does tooth erosion feel like?
6 Answers
Sometimes there is no pain at all. In other situations there can be cold and sweet sensitivity depending on the amount of erosion.
The look of the teeth would be yellower, as the enamel is thinned out/removed and the inner side of the tooth (dentin is yellow), and usually teeth become more sensitive as enamel is the shield of the tooth; once it is gone, the tooth is not well protected anymore.
Often patients experience tooth erosion without any sensation. It’s a very gradual process. On occasion, the tooth may get hot or cold sensitive.
Tooth Erosion is generally a gradual process where the tooth wears away because of acid or abrasive contact. Most people will not feel any sensation from the erosion itself, but as more tooth structure becomes eroded, the nerves will become less insulated and there will be increased sensitivity to cold, sweets and brushing.
With tooth erosion, you may not have any feeling at all, or it is possible that our tooth will be sensitive to certain things like hot and cold, sweets or acidic foods. If you look in the mirror at the tooth with erosion, it may look like there is a dent along the gum line where the tooth structure has eroded away.