“What foods can I eat after a filling?”
I am a 21 year old male. I want to know what foods can I eat after a filling?
10 Answers
With silver amalgam you need to wait several hours untying is set and the anesthesia has worn off. With a composite white filling you may eat immediately once the anesthetic has worn off
Depending on the size of the filling and provided the numbness went away, you should be able to resume regular diet. Nuts, popcorn kernels, ice cubes, and bones always with care.
Any foods that you choose. Be careful not to chew anything prior to the anesthetic wearing off. Or it might just be your tongue your eating.
Soup, smoothies, and protein shakes, cooked fruits and vegetables, yogurt, cottage cheese, and scrambled eggs.
Thank you,
Dr. Garcia
Thank you,
Dr. Garcia
After a filling, you should be able to eat as you did before the filling. With that said, I would suggest avoiding sticky food or candy. You do run the risk the candy sticking to the filling and pulling it out.
Eat whatever the heck you want. Just don't chew your lip or tongue if you're numb. Wait till that goes away and party it up.
Dr. Jensen
Dr. Jensen
After a composite Or white filling you can eat pretty much right away. The only issue is being numb and not biting your cheek or tongue. However if you have a amalgam filling or mercury filling you do have to wait at least an hour to let the material harden
Best Regards,
Dr. Mark Berkowitz
Best Regards,
Dr. Mark Berkowitz
Hi, once the filling is done, you can eat normal foods right away. The tooth infection makes your tooth weak and we save the tooth by placing a filling or a crown.
Dr. Tran
Dr. Tran