Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

What happens if you rub your eye with contacts in?

I am an 18 year old female. I want to know what happens if you rub your eye with contacts in?

5 Answers

You may knock them out of position or cause them to get folded up underneath the upper eyelid. Mostly, nothing happens.
Rubbing your eyes might increase the chance of getting a foreign body inside your eye such as dirt, dust, or any unwanted material. This should be avoided, with or without contact lenses, to prevent infections or further damage to the eyes.
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You may cause the contacts to be displaced under your lid
Do NOT rub your eyes with or without contacts, since it may cause the following eye issues: eye getting more irritated and red, corneal abrasion (scratch on your eyes) due to a torn contact lens while scratching your eyes, change in your prescription (change in astigmatism) due to trauma to cornea, or may cause development of keratoconus (a condition where the cornea becomes progressively thinner and cause distorted and blurry vision).
Irritation can happen. Don’t rub your eyes in any case.