“What happens if young child swallowed a coin?”
My daughter accidentally swallowed a coin and she is 5 years old. However, her airway doesn't seem blocked and she's fine for now. What would happen if my young child swallowed a coin?
2 Answers
If a child, or for that matter, an adult swallows a coin, an X-ray can be obtained to see where it is. If it has passed the mouth and the esophagus and is in the stomach or intestines, then nothing needs to be done. The biggest problem is if they get stuck in the back of the throat or esophagus. If that is the case, the child will have difficulty swallowing (usually solids, and sometimes liquids) and this is the purpose of the X-ray, to ensure passage into the stomach or intestine. If it is stuck, then removal by a surgeon or GI specialist is indicated.