Dentist Questions Abscess

What happens when abscess ruptures?

I've had a toothache from an abscess and it just ruptured on its own. The pain has decreased significantly but now I'm not really sure about what to heal about it. What should I do?

8 Answers

Swelling or pain may subside. And one should see a dentist.
You need to go to the dentist. It ruptured because the pressure was to great to hold the amount of pus. It will reform and refill and you will go thru this repeatedly, if you don't treat the cause.
Pain was relieved by pressure being releases when the abscess/swelling drained through the rupture. Otherwise, you would still have pain. Then if you went to an endodontist, he would lance the gums and drain the popping a water balloon (filled with pus instead of water). Now that you have some relief, see your endodontist asap for the root canal, otherwise, once the gums heal, the pain will return. Take care of that infection. It will not heal by itself.
Unfortunately the only way to heal from a tooth abscess is to have a root
canal or get the tooth extracted.
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Mitchel Friedman

An abscessed tooth will need either a root canal or to be extracted, depending on whether it is salvageable. You should schedule an appointment with a dentist to have proper xrays and examination to determine the best course of action.
You need to see your local dentist and either have the tooth treated with a root canal or get it extracted
The tooth still needs to be treated or extracted. It typically will not heal on its own.