Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

What helps red eyes fast?

I am a 29 year old female and I have red eyes. What helps red eyes fast?

16 Answers

It depends on the medical condition that explains the cause of red eye. A complete ophthalmologic exam is warranted.
There's a eye drop called 'Lumify" which is designed to relieve red eyes due to minor eye irritations in adults. It usually works in 1 minute or less, and lasts up to 8 hours (you can use it up to 4 times per day). You should definitely stop using the product if you experience any increased redness, eye pain, or visual changes, and consult an eye care professional for help.
NOTE: Red eyes can be caused by many factors, and if you are currently experiencing red eyes that last for a longer time than normal, then it's recommended that you seek/visit your eye care professional for a thorough eye exam to determine what the underlying factor(s) that may be causing the long term red eye effects.
The best thing to do is to figure out WHY your eyes are red. An eye exam with a knowledgeable provider will help. Better to fix the root of the problem than the symptoms.
You can use a drop called Lumify. You should also see your doctor to see why your eyes are red.
As board certified ophthalmologist we are trained to find the cause of redness in conjunctiva in young patients before we initiate treatment, usually topical Adrenalin that is in the ingredient of most commercial drops constricts blood vessels and redness will be faded for short time however the rebound and repeated applications will have too many side effects
First, make sure you don’t have blurry vision. Put on some cold compresses.
Lumify 1 drop 1-2x/day is very helpful for redness, but you should also find out the reason why they get red in the first place.
You can try non-preserved artificial tears. Also, there is a new OTC drug, Lumify, to use twice a day. If these don’t work, you need to see an eye care professional.
Red eyes are not a problem in itself, but could be a manifestation of many different types of underlying problems including allergies, dry eyes, iritis, etc. it’s important to seek consultation with a board certified ophthalmologist to be properly diagnosed. Many people use a topical vasoconstrictor that helps temporarily “get the red out,” but these are not ideal for chronic use as they can lead to more redness upon cessation.
You could try artificial tears. If that doesn’t work you could use lumify. I don’t recommend Visine, get the red out, since your eyes could develop a tolerance to them and when you stop the drops, the eyes could get even redder.
Lumify works well for reducing eye redness. Use one drop twice daily as needed for redness. Available at most drug stores.
This all depends why your eyes are red. Redness is usually caused by something else going on with your eyes. The best bet would be to see your optometrist for an examination.
Fast is cool compress
Most likely antibiotics if it’s bacterial. And corticosteroids.
Proper diagnosis, correct treatment and therapy will help.
Depends on the cause, needs to be determined by an MD. Please follow up with your doctor.