Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

How long does LASIK surgery last?

I will have LASIK surgery. How long does LASIK surgery last?

3 Answers

Great Question, LASIK is permanent, however your eyes may change and as a result so may your prescription, Most patients get about 20 years, before they start to have issues with their vision.
It should last until around age 45, at which time you will need to start to wear reading glasses. There is always a chance of regression, so your near-sightedness may return before that time. Best Regards, Kenmore Optical 1018 Beacon Street Suite 100 Brookline, MA 02446 www.kenmoreoptical.com (617) 505-6419
The changes made to your eye from LASIK are permanent, but the visual result will fluctuate. Many patients find themselves needing glasses for night driving after a few years and needing reading glasses starting in their early to mid 40s. Lens replacement will result in more stable vision, but is more invasive and expensive.