“What is the best brace to wear after hand surgery?”
I am a 64 year old female. I want to know what is the best brace to wear after hand surgery?
4 Answers
This depends on the type of surgery you are having for your hand. It is best to consult her surgeon. I do many types of hand surgeries where bracing is not recommended.
Hello. This really depends on the specific hand surgery and how long after surgery. Generally more rigid, supportive cast or braces are used initially followed by less supportive removable type of brace. Should support the wrist or hand but not too tight. Only the surgeon, there at the time of the procedure knows about bone quality, stability, fixation. He/she will be the best to suggest appropriate brace. Good luck
The most common brace is a fabric or canvas brace with plastic or metal stiffener with velcro straps. It keeps your wrist still. One of these can be purchased at Walmart or Target.
Hope it helps!!
Dr. Bose
Hope it helps!!
Dr. Bose