Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

What is the best treatment for back pain?

My 18 year old daughter has constant back pain. What is the best treatment for back pain?

16 Answers

That depends on the cause of the back pain. Pain is the body's signal that something is wrong. You should take her to a qualified health care professional who will take a detailed history and perform a thorough examination before treating. A chiropractor is a good place to start.
If you ask 10 doctors, you can get 10 answers, but overall the best care you can do is to determine what is causing the pain and create a plan from there. Mostly with Chiropractic care, different modalities are utilized, along with adjustments and rehabilitative exercises. I prefer to start with simple core exercises, and progress from there depending on pain.
Depending on how bad your back pain is, rest, ice, massage and chiropractic is a great place to start. If the pain is severely acute, rest and medications for a few days could also help before starting active care. After pain has subsided and medications are no longer needed, some deeper mobilization, and muscle energy techniques Ie GRASTON, or ART will continue to help the problem. Some physical rehabilitation always seems to help when the patient is ready. I often ask why doctors prescribe physical therapy right after an injury. The joints and muscles need time to heal, before you start introducing exercise into an injury. This could easily prolong the injury. 3-6 weeks of passive therapy before starting active therapy has almost always been my go-to protocol.
Start with the type of doctor that sees the most back pain cases... a Chiropractic physician. I would always take xrays to rule out developmental issues in the spine. Then if muscle issues are significant, add on a good PT for training.
Continuous chiropractic care along with stretching will help if she has no anatomical anomalies.
In order to determine the correct course of care for your daughter, she would need to be examined to diagnose the root cause of her back pain. Generally speaking we recommend starting with conservative care such as chiropractic treatments. In our office we use a combination of adjustments, muscle work and physical therapy.
Conservative care is always a good place to start. Topicals and ice packs are good. However, the best approach is to first find out the cause of the pain, with a chiropractic evaluation and standing spine X-ray.

She would need an exam/evaluation to determine the cause and proper care for long-term relief.

Thank you,

Dr. Churchill
The best thing to do is take tour daughter to a doctor to figure out what is causing her problem. Once you figure the cause that’s are lots of treatment options for back pain.
There are a few options. Ice and heat at home may help. Without knowing your daughter's history it's difficult to say what would be the best treatment option for her; however, chiropractic treatment is an option to help relieve lower back pain and has helped many of my patients. Other things may include physical therapy, proper exercises to strengthen her core, and/or rest if she's extremely active.
There is a misnomer out there that back pain in and of itself is a disease entity. The best treatment for lower back pain depends on the cause of the pain. There is a myriad of causes from a simple sprain/strain to facet syndrome, degenerated, herniated and bulging discs, subluxations, etc. Each one has a specific treatment. I like to compare the human body to a car. If a car doesn't start, what is the solution? Find the cause and fix it. It could be a bad battery, alternator, short circuit, spark wires, etc. In other words, your daughter's pain must be properly diagnosed. Hope this helps.
I’d always suggest getting it evaluated by your chiropractor. It’s something chiropractors routinely get great results with.
Back pain is a symptom not a condition and needs to be evaluated. Doctors of Chiropractic (DC) are licensed doctors who do diagnosis and either performs and/or recommends treatment. That includes all areas of the neuromuscular system. The question is what is causing the problem with the area and that requires diagnosis. Diagnosis can't be done without an examination. If the cause is appropriate and responsive to conservative care then Chiropractic care with its many therapeutic treatments is important and appropriate. Even if the problem has a permanent and/or structural component the treatments may still help, but may not totally eliminate the underlying cause. Don't wait to have the examination, as the sooner the problems is detected and treated the better.
Chiropractic exam and X-Rays first!
Natural, noninvasive measures should always be the first route of action for healthcare. A chiropractor will do a through check up on the first visit to find the cause of the problem. Our expertise is with the spine, so I would highly recommend trying chiropractic first.
Chiropractic has been consistently the best first option to treat back pain. It is very safe and effective. A Chiropractic examination will also screen for more serious issues if they exist for the patient.