Internal Medicine | Rheumatology Questions Lupus

What is the best treatment for lupus?

My son has lupus and I heard from a friend that a rheumatologist can help. What is the best treatment for lupus?

4 Answers

Thank you for your question The most important point I would emphasize would be to have your son see a rheumatologist because we are the lupus experts and we work cooperatively with primary care physician's and other subspecialists in the care of patients lupus Lupus is a systemic illness that can cause a variety of symptoms including fever, weight loss, rash, photosensitivity, Raynaud's phenomenon, inflammation of the lining of the heart and or lungs - pleural pericarditis, arthritis, and importantly lupus can involve the kidney. Lupus can also be associated with an increased risk of blood clotting tendencies. We always say that we treat lupus based on the manifestations that the patient has. For example in someone with a rash, joint pain and or arthritis, fatigue and or weight loss, we might consider in that is circumstance low-dose prednisone and a drug called hydroxychloroquine or Plaquenil Patients with predominantly skin disease are managed with topical steroids, injections into the lesions, and Plaquenil Patients who have arthritis are treated with Plaquenil and or methotrexate Patients who have other manifestations are treated some times with a combination of prednisone and medications that might include methotrexate, Imuran, CellCept, Benlysta, Saphnelo, or Voclosporin In other situations we might consider using a drug called rituximab or cyclophosphamide Finally, to emphasize, I would state that we have many new treatments available to manage lupus and we are usually able to do so. Again, I would recommend that your son sees a rheumatologist because we are trained to understand and recognize and treat and manage in follow patients with lupus I hope your son is well and stays well! Best wishes! Thomas P. Olenginski, M.D., FACP Staff Attending Physician - Geisinger Medical Center, Danville PA Department Rheumatology HiROC FLS Physician Champion BMD Committee Chairperson 570-271-6416 Fax: 570-214-2924
Special anti-inflammatory meds available by prescription (steroids, cellcept, imran, plaquenil are the most common).
Good afternoon,

Lupus is an extremely complex condition which can present in many different ways. It can affect several organs and varies in severity from mild disease to life-threatening disease. Treatments used for lupus largely depends on which organs are involved and how severe the disease is. There are several different medications used based on the presentation and the
disease status. I would strongly advise you to seek Rheumatology expertise with a local physician if there is concern for lupus to 1st clarify and confirm the diagnosis and then to discuss specific treatments.
I hope the above information helps.

Yours sincerely,

Mishal Abdullah
If your son is under 18 years of age, you should consult a pediatric rheumatologist. Lupus can be a serious disease and should be treated by a specialist with experience in this disease.