“What is the best treatment for shoulder impingement?”
I am a 27 year old male. I want to know what is the best treatment for shoulder impingement?
5 Answers
The best treatment for shoulder impingement depends on what is causing the impingement. Is it one of the twelve muscles surrounding the shoulder, or is it one of the bones/ligaments/tendons that is out of alignment and inflamed? Most chiropractors are experienced with determining the level of involvement and manipulating the appropriate tendon or joint into place. Then, corrective exercises and other procedures may be recommended to help hold the adjustment.
This is going to sound very odd but for shoulder impingement syndrome we check the patient's foot mechanics manually and with a digital foot scan. When the arches reduce their height the head and neck must move forward for balance. This reduces the amount of space for the head of the humerus in the shoulder to move on the shoulder articulation. We check for other things also; shoulder mechanics and joint movement, tendonitis, bursitis, etc. If this is caught soon enough surgery can be avoided and the outcomes are very good.
When you have shoulder impingement, you must decompress the area of impingement. So first, you need to know why the area has narrowed. Is it a problem with the size and slope of the acromion of the shoulder blade or is it the angle of the scapula or shoulder blade itself? If it is bony prominence that is genetic or degenerative (should not be degenerative at your age), then acromioplasty may be necessary. However, if the narrowing is caused by increased tension in the muscles of the rotator cuff (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis and teres minor), stretching exercises may be beneficial. Codman's exercises are a good start to stretch the glenohumeral joint. Also check any muscle that attaches to the scapulae such as the triceps, biceps, pecs and rhomboids for increased tension and trigger points. Basically stretch and foam roll or percuss/massage all muscles that attach to the shoulder blade. Having the help of a professional can save you a lot of time with trial and error.
I hope this info is helpful for you.
Take care and be well,
Dr. Eric Miller
I hope this info is helpful for you.
Take care and be well,
Dr. Eric Miller
Going to a Sports Chiropractor is the best diagnostic and treatment option for shoulder impingement. Their training allows them to accurately diagnose and treat the appropriate causes of your impingement.