“What is the cause of my foot pain?”
Female | 45 years old
Complaint duration: One year
Medications: Larsatin
Conditions: High blood pressure and borderline diebeties
10 Answers
Sounds like you may have heel spur syndrome or plantar fasciitis. It is basically inflammation in the plantar fascia (a ligament that connects from the bottom of the heel bone and the balls of your feet). This ligament helps to maintain the arch of your foot. If your foot is flat or arch collapses when your body weight is on your feet then this ligament stretches. This excess stretching causes micro tears in the plantar fascia - mostly at the heel - and will result in inflammation and swelling, which are the causes of pain.
Treatment includes ice and massage of the area; oral anti-inflammatory medications (Alleve, Motrin, etc.); topical pain & anti-inflammatory creams; stretching exercises; cortisone injections; arch supports or orthotics; soundwave therapy; amniotic infusion into the plantar fascia
If all fails, surgery is a final option; but thisntoo is not 100% guaranteed