“What is the home remedy for cavity pain?”
I am a 32 year old male and I have cavity pain. What is the home remedy for cavity pain?
12 Answers
If the cavity is causing you pain, then most likely it has gotten deep enough to need at least a filling to stop the pain. The deeper the decay goes, the more extensive the restoration, so don't wait too long to get it looked at. OTC medications like Ibuprofen can help with the pain until you are able to see your local dentist.
Rinsing with warm salt water and using a topical gel could provide some relief for cavity pain but it is recommended you visit your dentist for evaluation and treatment
Cavity that causes pain means that it might have reached the nerve. Usually you can take the otc pain med like Tylenol or Motrin, but seeing a dentist is a good idea. You might have an active infection.
Cavity pain can be treated at home for a short duration of time with ibuprofen or tylenol. Some people find relief with topical numbing agents like Ambesol or Orajel. Be advised, tooth pain is generally a symptom of a larger problem and should be evaluated by a dentist. When tooth pain is treated at home for a long period of time, you may be at risk of developing an abscess which could lead to life threatening infections.
If you are having pain from a cavity, the only real remedy is removal of the infection and placement of a filling. The biggest thing you can do at home is keep your mouth really clean and free of sugar, as sugar is just food for bacteria. So every time you eat, brush if you can or swish with water to remove the sugar. But the only true remedy is to see a dentist and have them remove the infection completely.
Hey...sorry your having tooth pain. If there is a cavity and your tooth is now hurting, that means the nerve in the tooth is now involved. The only home remedy is over the counter medicine to help relieve the pain. The recommendation is 4 ibuprofen and 2 tylenol all at the same time. This is a short term fix until you see a dentist.
Make sure you maintain good oral health. Take otc analgesic and get to your dentist at your earliest convenience.
Unfortunately, there is no good home remedy for cavity pain. Are you sure it is a cavity that is causing it? That being said, there is topical anesthetics like anbesol that will take the pain away for about 20 minutes. Other than that, ibuprofen is your best choice. Ibuprofen knocks down inflammation which relieves pressure on the nerve inside the tooth.
Hope this helps.
My best to you!
William F. Scott IV, DMD
Unfortunately, there is no good home remedy for cavity pain. Are you sure it is a cavity that is causing it? That being said, there is topical anesthetics like anbesol that will take the pain away for about 20 minutes. Other than that, ibuprofen is your best choice. Ibuprofen knocks down inflammation which relieves pressure on the nerve inside the tooth.
Hope this helps.
My best to you!
William F. Scott IV, DMD