Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

What is the main cause of GERD?

I am a 37 year old female and I was diagnosed with GERD last month. What is the main cause of GERD?

5 Answers

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can be cause by lifestyle issues such as being overweight, overeating, having caffeine and alcohol, and eating chocolate and spicy food. GERD is broken down into four (4) stages based on how serious your symptoms are. Stage1 – Mild GERD, minimal reflux occurring once or twice a month. Stage 2- Moderated GERD, frequent in off to require medication for the reflux. Stage 3- Symptoms are painful and may not be relief with medications. Stage 4 – Precancer or cancer. There are multiple symptoms and risks to consider in patient with GERD. They are aspiration, when food rises through the esophagus and return down the trachea, dental problems, chronic hoarsens and cough, frequent heartburns, and food regurgitation, specially at night. Anyone can get GERD but people at high risks are obese, hiatal hernia (dilatation of the esophagogastric rim or sphincter), or patient with connective tissue disease. Also people who eat large meal late at night, excessive drinking of coffee and alcohol and smokers. Thank you.
Weakness of the lower esophageal sphincter, hiatal hernia, obesity.
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Reflux of stomach acid into esophagus due to incompetent sphincter(muscle at esophagus stomach juncture)
It is due to transient relaxations of the lower esophageal sphincter between your stomach and esophagus. Certain foods/products such as peppermint, tomato, onion, garlic, tobacco, caffeine are known relaxants of this sphincter
Some foods can cause your lower esophageal sphincter to relax and lead to GERD. Or, you may have a low LES pressure due to childbirth or obesity.