Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

What is the most common cause of abdominal pain in children?

My son is having abdominal pain. What is the most common cause of abdominal pain in children?

3 Answers

Far and away the vast majority of abdominal pain in children is from stool retention and constipation. At times, children may have functional pain too unrelated to a heavy stool burden. A careful discussion with your provider about this will usually illicit the cause and a treatment plan can be formed. In general though, a well balanced diet with good fiber and water intake is always a plus.

L. Curtis Cary, MD, FAAP, FACP, MRCP (London)

Acute onset abdominal pain is usually viral gastroenteritis ("stomach flu"), but longer-term abdominal pain can be any number of things. What I would do is an elimination diet -- take away dairy first (lactose intolerance) and if after 10 days no change, eliminate gluten.
Usually constipation or functional abdominal pain with no organic cause are the most common causes, but other things need to be ruled out if pain persists.