Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Throat infection

What is the natural remedy for a throat infection?

I am a 34 year old male. I was diagnosed with a throat infection. What is the natural remedy for a throat infection?

3 Answers

Some throat bacterial infections must be treated by antibacterial medicines only and for quite a long time (days). Natural remedies could be used for some viral throat illness, but serious bacterial must be ruled out first by doctor.
Warm salt water gargles and throat Lozenges. You can take Tylenol and Motrin.
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Because strep throat can cause rheumatic fever and rheumatic fever can cause permanent changes in your heart I would not recommend a natural remedy for throat infection. A throat infection is not something you want to keep or treat partially. By making sure if it's a strep infection by throat culture would be the first step before deciding on treatment.