“What is the treatment for a balance problem?”
According to an ENT specialist, I am having some issues in my ear pertaining to balance. This helps explain why I always felt off-balance, but what does treatment involve, if anything at all?
5 Answers
I don't have enough information here to fully answer your question; however, I know that many people with balance disorders benefit from taking walks while keeping their heads level or slightly raised. Some people benefit from participating in low level yoga courses or other fitness courses to help strengthen their balance system. Ask your doctor if you are medically cleared to join a fitness course prior to joining. Depending on your diagnosis, you may also benefit from reducing sodium in your diet.
Feeling off-balance can be attributed to a variety of causes, ranging from inner ear problems to neurological disorders or even side effects of medications. Identifying the cause is paramount in choosing the right treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional if you experience balance problems. Here are some potential treatments depending on the cause.
- Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT): This is a type of physical therapy aimed at helping individuals with balance problems, especially those resulting from inner ear issues. It involves exercises that help the brain retrain itself to recognize and process signals from the vestibular system and coordinate them with visual and proprioceptive cues. Get a referral for a Physical Balance clinic.
- Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT): This is a type of physical therapy aimed at helping individuals with balance problems, especially those resulting from inner ear issues. It involves exercises that help the brain retrain itself to recognize and process signals from the vestibular system and coordinate them with visual and proprioceptive cues. Get a referral for a Physical Balance clinic.
Have you had a vestibular or balance evaluation with am audiologist? Typically, further specialty testing is done (i.e., videonystagmography, aka VNG, Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential, aka VEMP, etc.) to determine if there is a deficit or malfunction within one of the 5 vestibular organs that may be causing or contributing to symptoms of dizziness or imbalance. That would be the next step. Typically, your ENT physician will recommend further testing if he/she suspects your symptoms are due to vestibular malfunction. Depending on the results of that testing, a variety of treatment options may be recommended; however, the most common recommendation would be Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (i.e., VRT) with a physical therapist that specializes in the vestibular system. I hope that's helpful.
Melissa Fling, Au.D.
Melissa Fling, Au.D.
Almost all balance problems can be treated. However, first and individual must be evaluated to determine what is the cause of the balance problem. It might be just a simple problem such as having the otoliths (small crystals) found in the inner ear being out of place and being located in one of the posterior semicircular Canal‘s. It could also be a result of Meniers or migraines. There can also be balance problems related to problems involving the brainstem and her cerebellum. Rather than try to guess. I would recommend that you be seen for a complete vestibular evaluation so they can determine if the problem is due to inner ear involvement, nerve involvement, or central nervous system involvement. Without knowing where you’re located I cannot recommend a specific center for this evaluation.