“What should I eat for strong teeth and gums?”
I am a 20 year old female. I want to know what should I eat for strong teeth and gums?
2 Answers
Just eat a normal healthy diet in that whatever supports your overall health. Of course avoid eating excessive processed sugars which can cause decay. Also avoid a lot of carbonated drinks that can erode enamel. Calcium has very little effect on the strength of your teeth. Again moderation is the best guideline.
It is not what you can eat but, rather what you should not eat. Acidic foods create an environment that is optimal for bacteria to damage your teeth. Foods and beverages high in sugar will supply the bacteria with the food they need to damage your teeth. It is recommended that acidic and suagary beverages and foods are limited to meal times and followed by brushing your teeth. Xylitol chewing gum has been shown to reduce your risk of developing cavities when used four times a day for 10 minutes each time.