Dr. Travis D. Ayers
Gastroenterologist (Pediatric)
Dr. Travis Ayers is a pediatric gastroenterologist practicing in Little Rock, AR. Dr. Ayers specializes in digestive system, liver or nutritional problems in children from the newborn period to their teens. Conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, chronic constipation or obesity can all be treated by a pediatric gastroenterologist.
Dr. Travis D. Ayers
- Little Rock, AR
- Accepting new patients
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Is constipation in children normal?
Very common. He needs a good bowel clean out and then remain on daily miralax so he goes at least every other day
Is there any medication for colic?
Probiotics such as Gerber soothe have been studied and shown to help colic
What should I do if my child refuses to use the toilet?
He probably had a painful poop along the way and now associates pooping with pain. Regular stool softeners like miralax will help.
What can I do if my baby is considered colic?
Gerber soothe probiotics. Unless your child is having blood in their stool with frequent diarrhea you don’t need to eliminate dairy from your diet.
Does my son have Crohn's?
Certainly a possibility, but further testing should be done including markers of inflammation and something called a stool calprotectin
Is a dairy allergy different from lactose intolerance?
Lactose intolerance only means the enzyme to digest milk sugar is low and this causes bloating and diarrhea. Allergies on the other hand affect multiple organ systems like respiratory READ MORE
Lactose intolerance only means the enzyme to digest milk sugar is low and this causes bloating and diarrhea. Allergies on the other hand affect multiple organ systems like respiratory and skin etc
What are the risk factors of celiac disease in children?
The only risk factor is genetic. There is genetic testing, but the more economical approach is getting all your children screened every 2 years with a total IgA and a TTG IgA. READ MORE
The only risk factor is genetic. There is genetic testing, but the more economical approach is getting all your children screened every 2 years with a total IgA and a TTG IgA.
What are the symptoms of lactose intolerance?
Likely. Usually lactose intolerance is dose dependent. This means that my lactase enzyme is low, so maybe I can tolerate 1 pizza slice or scoop of ice cream but beyond that I READ MORE
Likely. Usually lactose intolerance is dose dependent. This means that my lactase enzyme is low, so maybe I can tolerate 1 pizza slice or scoop of ice cream but beyond that I am having abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea. Have him take a lactaid pill when eating dairy to see if that helps.
How long does lactose intolerance usually last in kids?
It can be lifelong. It can get less severe over time. Taking Lactaid with dairy will help, I used to live on it.
How can I stop burping?
Try simethicone drops that we give babies, don’t talk a bunch while eating (leads to air swallowing), and if it doesn’t improve, learn to embrace it.
Is yogurt helpful in treating colic problems in kids?
If it has live cultures. You can always use drops like Gerber soothe
Can milk cause loose stool in kids?
Lactose intolerance. Take Lactaid as needed when they have dairy.
At what age can I introduce outside food for my child?
Now, go for it!
My daughter has suddenly lost her appetite. Could it be a hormonal issue?
Has she been losing weight? Does she feel full quickly? Hormones alone wouldn’t be the problem
My daughter has celiac disease, and is having trouble with the gluten-free diet. What do you recommend?
Untreated celiac disease eventually leads to lymphoma. She should meet with a dietitian and see where her problems with diet are.
What causes colic pain in small kids?
If he is 5 it isn’t colic. Constipation is likely the problem
What can I give my child for acid reflux?
All things adults take for it kids can have, it just needs to be dosed correctly.
Should children be given probiotics?
Probiotics are fine as long as your child doesn’t have a Central venous line
Is powdered husk safe for kids of 8 years to relieve constipation?
More fiber is likely not the answer and can contribute to more constipation, a daily dose of miralax will help
Why is my daughter passing black stools?
Black stools are a sign of upper GI bleeding