“When should I get laser eye treatment?”
I'm 24 years old, and I would like to have laser eye surgery for my farsightedness. What's the right age for this? When is it the most ideal to get this surgery?
10 Answers
There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration to help determine if you are a good candidate. It is best to confirm with your doctor if you are a eligible for laser eye surgery.
It depends on how farsighted you are, if/when you're eyeglasses prescription has stabilized, and if you are having any trouble with your vision (near or far) without correction. You would also need a good front to back screening eye exam by the eye surgeon who would perform your laser eye surgery to be sure you are a candidate for the surgery.
The best time is when you are ready to accept an outcome that you do not want. There is risk. Lasik works better on nearsightedness. It is easier to flatten a cornea (myopia) than make one steeper as you would need. Wear your contacts, that is the safest approach. The other option is clear leans removal with implants. It has its issues
Again, at age 24, there is no best time.
Again, at age 24, there is no best time.
Generally, laser surgery is for nearsightedness...though there are procedures for farsightedness. I would strongly suggest that you confer with an EyeMD ophthalmologist specializing in refractive surgery to determine the appropriate procedure and timing for your eyes.
That is a great question. There are two important things to consider. The first is that we want your eyes to be stable before proceeding. Most people stabilize between the ages of 18 and 20, so you are most likely stable at the age of 24. The second thing is to determine if you are a candidate. A comprehensive exam by a doctor which includes a number of scans of your eye will be the only way to know for sure. There have been a number of advances in laser vision correction making it safer and more effective than ever before. Even if you are not a candidate for laser vision correction, there are many times other options as well.
This age is fine. But you are probably near sighted, i.e, you cannot see far without glasses. If this is incorrect then LASIK surgery may not be for you.
Hi. You are not too young for laser eye surgery, but the general recommendation is to postpone surgery until your eyeglass or contact lens prescription has not changed significantly over a two year period. Furthermore, most people who are “farsighted” are hyperopic and sometimes have not yet “revealed” what their full corrective lens need may be; this is best determined by what is known as a cycloplegic refraction. So, if your correction is stable and not very different from your cycloplegic refraction and you otherwise pass the screening tests for candidacy for laser eye surgery, you may be ready now.
Laser eye surgery for farsightedness is not as effective as for nearsightedness. At your age, minimal changes will occur to your vision over the next 15 years. Now would be better than later. But as stated, you can only get 1-2 diopter sat out the farsighted prescription.