“What shouldn't you do if you have scoliosis?”
I am a 20 year old male and I have scoliosis. What shouldn't you do if you have scoliosis?
5 Answers
Unless you have pain there shouldn’t be any restrictions in your activities. In fact I would recommend that you increase your activity level unless it’s a one sided activity like bowling. There are stretches that may help correct and strengthen the spinal musculature involved in your scoliosis.
It really depends on the severity of your curvature(s). There is already increased stress at the apexes so avoiding activities that put additional load on those areas is good. However, having strong erector spinae muscles can take some of the load off the vertebrae and associated discs. The less severe the curvature, the more load the curve can take. Be careful doing
exercises like squats and deadlifts if your curvature is greater than 20 degrees. You should be seeing a Chiropractic physician that works with scoliotic patients to stop the progression and perhaps straighten the curvature some. The apexes of the curves will more than likely get degenerative changes (arthritis) faster than the other levels due to the increase in stress and inflammation. Keep stretching and exercising. Try to do mirror image exercises to help reduce the curves.
I hope this info is helpful.
Take care and be well,
Dr. Eric Miller
exercises like squats and deadlifts if your curvature is greater than 20 degrees. You should be seeing a Chiropractic physician that works with scoliotic patients to stop the progression and perhaps straighten the curvature some. The apexes of the curves will more than likely get degenerative changes (arthritis) faster than the other levels due to the increase in stress and inflammation. Keep stretching and exercising. Try to do mirror image exercises to help reduce the curves.
I hope this info is helpful.
Take care and be well,
Dr. Eric Miller
You should avoid any side bending exercises that will further enhance or put stress on the convexity of your scoliotic curve