Dentist Questions Braces, Oral

What will my dental follow up be like after getting my braces removed?

I got braces at 25 and now I'm finally getting them off. Are there things they'll look for at my follow up appointment after they're gone?

8 Answers

Yes, relapse.
Yes you should be evaluated for any possible misalignment
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I can't speak for everyone who practices Orthodontics but I always had my door open for first 3 years after braces came off to do free retainer checks.
Periodic exam and evaluation is a must every 6 months plus your regular hygiene cleaning and maintenance. You might need to get a retainer to keep your teeth from shifting.
A good cleaning
Have the teeth X-rayed. Cleanings, and wear retainer as advised by an orthodontist.
Same as always. Look for cavities, cleaning, X-rays.

Congratulations on your new smile! At your first appointment post orthodontics, a cleaning should be done, now that all the brackets and wires are gone. X-rays will be taken to see if any cavities have occurred between your teeth. I would assume some sort of retailers either fixed or removable will be given. Do ask your dentist or orthodontist for a more concise breakdown.
Hope this helped.