“How is an overbite usually treated?”
I was just diagnosed with an overbite, and my orthodontist says I'm probably going to need braces for it. Is this the only way to correct it? I'm 23 years old, I think I'm a little too old for braces.
10 Answers
The answer to your question depends upon the nature and the degree of your overbite: If it is primarily caused by the arrangement of the teeth, clear aligners will probably be effective in improving it. On the other hand, if it is primarily caused by the the arrangement of the jaws, braces or aligners alone will probably not be sufficient to improve it. Your orthodontist will determine the answers to these questions after evaluating the appropriate orthodontic diagnostic records. He or she will then be able to guide you in your decision regarding your treatment.
Sorry, braces are usually the best way, but if you are too vain now, you can wait until you get married. It only has to be done some time. The oldest patient I put braces on was 66.
Dr. Oliver
Dr. Oliver
There are a number of ways to correct an overbite depending on the specific problem. All of them require some type of orthodontic appliances including braces. The problem with not getting it corrected is it can lead to teeth wearing down, TMJ problems (jaw joint), and other bad things. See a Board Certified orthodontist for the best solution.
No one alive is too old to improve a deviation from nature's normal if that is an informed decision and you have the desire and motivation to change. You always have the choice to decline advice and accept yourself as is. Teeth and or jaws have to be moved to correct excessive overbite. Being a non growing adult at 23, some situations require surgical intervention
along with some form of braces. Surgical correction without orthodontic finishing is not a good idea, but surgery may not be necessary. Discuss what is necessary with your orthodontist or get another evaluation, but base your decision on what you think is best for you in light of professional explanation.You can also wait however long you want if now is not a good time for treatment.
Dr. John Harrison
along with some form of braces. Surgical correction without orthodontic finishing is not a good idea, but surgery may not be necessary. Discuss what is necessary with your orthodontist or get another evaluation, but base your decision on what you think is best for you in light of professional explanation.You can also wait however long you want if now is not a good time for treatment.
Dr. John Harrison
23 is definitely not too old for braces however in many cases clear aligners like Invisalign can be used instead. The severity of the problem would play a part deciding how it will be treated.
First of all ,you are not too old for braces. There are other option for you. There are ceramic brackets that are less noticeable. Sometimes we are able to get a great correction with Invisalign as well.
Invisalign has made great advances in their product and can often be a viable option to treat an overbite. It may not be the best for your situation though. An orthodontist is trained to help you determine the best course of action in attaining the smile you want and in achieving a healthy result. I recommend that you speak again with your orthodontist and discuss your concerns. You can then question them if Invisalign might work for you or if there might be a different solution.
Fortunately, traditional braces are not the only way to correct overbite. Please look into Invisalign treatment.