Pediatrician Questions Childhood Asthma

Does wheezing in a child indicate asthma?

Every time my son gets has a cough and a cold it ends up with him wheezing severely. Is wheezing a sign of childhood asthma or is it normal in kids when they have cold?

3 Answers

Wheezing more than 3 times in a year is usually a sign of asthma if it responds to
albuterol. It is not normal for a child to wheeze.
Yes. Wheezing can most commonly indicate asthma. However, it can indicate other conditions like bronchiolitis, cystic fibrosis and other conditions. For other helpful tips, follow me on FB for two "sense" Tuesdays at 1:00PM EDT. It is always best to see your child's doctor for concerns of wheezing. There may be some tests or treatments that can be tried to help find the cause. Thank you for asking me.

*Jarret Patton MD FAAP*
It could very well be a sign of childhood asthma which needs a work up.