“When can I have laser treatment?”
I would like to have laser treatment to correct my vision and no longer use glasses. What's the right age to do this? I'm 25 years old now.
9 Answers
Assuming you’re nearsighted, you should wait until your eyeglass or contact lens prescription stops changing for a year. This is usually in your late 20’s, but some people who do a lot of close work every day don’t stop changing until their early 30’s. Laser vision correction is best done once per eye.
Scott Greenbaum, MD. FACS
Scott Greenbaum, MD. FACS
If your refraction meaning your glasses prescription or can ntact lens prescription is stable over past 2 years you could be a good candidate for refractive procedure but you need to have complete workouts to make sure you are a good candidate in all respects.
You can have laser correction as young as age 18. Your prescription must be stable for the last 2 years. We would be able to check other measurements at the time of your LASIK consult.
As long as your prescription is stable and you have healthy eyes within range for laser vision correction, age 25 is a very appropriate time to have the procedure done.
Mark F. Pyfer, MD
Mark F. Pyfer, MD
If you’re referring to LASIK or PRK, we typically wait until at least 21 years old. However every single patient is different. There is a lot of testing that needs to be done in order to make sure your refractive error, or basically the amount of treatment you would need in order to see well, is stable and that there are no other conditions in or on the surface of the eye that would put you at risk of having any problems during refractive surgery. The best answer to your question is that you need to get a full refractive evaluation with an ophthalmologist that does LASIK surgery.
Now is the time. It is best to do before age 40 years when presbyopia sets in. You will have good vision till at least 40 to 50 years old.