Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Growth

When do most people stop growing?

I'm not as tall as I want to be! I'm 20 years old and male. Am I done growing? When do most people stop growing?

5 Answers

Most males stop growing at 18-21 years old. If you want to know for sure, get an X-ray of the knee to see if your growth plates are open.

Hope it helps!

Dr. Bose
Skeletal growth ends in most males by age 18 and most females by age 15-16.
The actual answer is when your growth plates close. In males, a typical age is 18 years old, although some people grow until their early twenties. So at your age, you are not likely to grow much more.
Good luck.
Males tend to stop growing by or before 19 years of age (I grew until I was 19). Sorry, but you are likely done. You can blame your parents if you are unhappy with your stature. Of course, it is all about how you carry yourself, establishing good posture, and maintaining your physical fitness. Plus, perhaps you don’t have to worry about having enough leg room on airplanes or in movie theaters! (Like I do)
I actually grew until I was 20 or 21. Female stop growing about two years after their period starts.