Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

When should I stop taking antidepressants?

I am a 22 year old male. I have depression over being overweight and am taking antidepressants. When should I stop taking antidepressants?

5 Answers

The questions should be how can you successfully deal with your weight problem as well as your underlying depression. Usually psychotherapy needs to be part of the solution. When you are stable and the depression is in remission, there might be time to do a trial off the medications
As long as the medication is helping, there is no need to stop.
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It depends on whether the medicine was prescribed to treat an acute episode of clinical depression or to address more chronic symptoms. In the former case, the standard of care is to stay on the medication for 9-12 months and then do a slow taper, reassessing in case any symptoms re-emerge. In the latter, the medication is taken on an ongoing basis. It always makes sense to periodically reevaluate with your prescriber whether or not you still need the medication.
It depends on the number of episodes you have had. Here is an outline of antidepressant duration of use:
(1) If this is your first episode you are recommended to be on the Antidepressant from 6months to 18months
(2)If it is your second episode, you are recommended to be on the Antidepressant from 2years to 5years.
(3)More than 2 episodes treatment will be for Life. It will also be the same if there is a genetic predisposition.
If your depression has a biologic relationship, stopping your medication would be risky. Some antidepressants stimulate weight gain, so it would be good to check this out with your doctor. It is also wise to not stop medication without consulting your doctor,