“When should I take my child to the doctor for flu-like symptoms?”
My son is 7 years old. I want to know when should I take my child to the doctor for flu-like symptoms?
4 Answers
This cannot be answered because of too many variables such as the health of your child, family, and severity of his illness. Most children do fine with influenza, but severe disease can occur. All children (and parents) over the age of six months should be vaccinated every autumn.
G. Dickinson
G. Dickinson
In normal times, probably not indicated if symptoms mild. With COVID19 presently, would be good idea to have tested for his safety and that of your family
Most flu-like illnesses only require rest, hydration and acetaminiphen or ibuprofen (Tylenol or Motrin). A significant fever, i.e over 101 degrees, inability to maintain hydration, sluggish mental interaction would all be reasons to see the doc. Also, if the symptoms last longer than 3-4 days, you would probably want to call the doc's office for advice.