Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

When should I take my child to the doctor for the stomach flu?

My 10 year old son has the stomach flu. When should I take my child to the doctor for the stomach flu?

2 Answers

If your child cannot stop vomiting, call your doctor for a prescription to help. If you think your child is dehydrated, give ice chips every 10-15 minutes. If he cannot keep those down, a visit is warranted. If your child is not urinating at least once every 8 hrs, he needs to be seen. If he has abdominal pain around the belly button that moves to the lower right abdomen, he needs to have an evaluation for appendicitis. As far as diarrhea goes, if it has blood or mucus, he needs to be seen. Take a stool sample in if you can. High fevers (103-104) with diarrhea should be seen. Mild stomach flu with a few episodes of vomiting and diarrhea that lasts only a few days, can be managed at home with clear fluids in small frequent amounts and advancing the diet as tolerated.


If he continues to have vomiting and diarrhea and not able to hold anything down. Feel better