“Who is the best professional to see for anxiety treatment?”
I am a 26 year old male who finally realized that my anxiety needs to be dealt with. Who is the best professional to see for anxiety treatment?
6 Answers
The best therapist to see for anxiety is one who specializes in a form of therapy called cognitive behavioral therapy. This works by helping you identify irrational and distorted thoughts, challenging them and reversing learned [usually avoidant] behaviors as a result of them.
I recommend seeing a psychiatrist who can prescribe anti anxiety meds as well as provide talk therapy.

Olga Tchikindas
I recommend to see a psychiatrist. Anxiety is a common problem and is hard to live with. The evaluation should be done to uncover the cause of the problem and maybe to treat it with medications. Seek treatment, you don't have to suffer!
A psychiatrist would be best because he/she can evaluate whether medication is a good choice together with working on ways you can manage stress.