Dr. Karine Airapetian, MD
Addiction Psychiatrist
Dr. Karine Airapetian is an Addiction Psychiatrist practicing in Paramus, NJ. Dr. Airapetian evaluates, diagnoses, and treats people who suffer from impulse control conditions related to addiction. As an Addiction Psychiatrist, Dr. Airapetian is a substance abuse expert, and is trained to fully understand the biological science behind addiction, in order to properly treat each patient.
37 years
Dr. Karine Airapetian, MD
- Paramus, NJ
- Medical university, Armenia
- Accepting new patients
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Can psychosis be cured with hypnotherapy?
No, absolutely not
How can I calm my anxiety without medication?
With therapy , mainly CBT
Can ADHD be cured?
Improves very much with meds , psycho pharmacotherapy
Do antidepressants make you worse before better?
Sometimes yes
Do antidepressants make you sleepy?
Hi, it depends. Some antidepressants are particularly used to help with insomnia, but majority of antidepressants are not. MD will be BEST to decide what antidepressants to use READ MORE
Hi, it depends. Some antidepressants are particularly used to help with insomnia, but majority of antidepressants are not. MD will be BEST to decide what antidepressants to use according to clinical presentation.
What are the treatment options for seasonal affective disorder?
It means you are more depressed or irritable/labile during winter months. So, moving to more sunny states, like Florida or California is an option, or having short vac during winter READ MORE
It means you are more depressed or irritable/labile during winter months. So, moving to more sunny states, like Florida or California is an option, or having short vac during winter months, another treatment modality is light therapy/phototherapy. But the most important to diagnose depression correctly, because treatment for depression is very different from bipolar depression.
Addiction to anti-anxiety pills?
There are two types anti-anxiety meds, please see an MD to help you get the right meds and therapy: cognitive-behavioral is very helpful, together pharmacotherapy is the BEST.
What are the symptoms of depression?
Sad mood, feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, anhedonis (meaning low energy), poor sleep, weight change (gain or loss), intrusive thoughts about being worthless, etc. Please READ MORE
Sad mood, feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, anhedonis (meaning low energy), poor sleep, weight change (gain or loss), intrusive thoughts about being worthless, etc. Please see a psychiatrist ASAP.
Why am I always angry and sensitive?
Probably you are frustrated with your own image, and getting therapy to improve your self esteem will help. You need to love yourself and be comfortable in your own skin. Therapy READ MORE
Probably you are frustrated with your own image, and getting therapy to improve your self esteem will help. You need to love yourself and be comfortable in your own skin. Therapy and taking care of yourself will help.
Is cognitive behavioral therapy effective?
Yes very much
Does therapy work for children with anxiety?
Yes for self esteem for anger management, poor impulse control
How to help a family member with dementia?
Safe environment at home, small tips about her room, where the bathroom is, close the fridge, be careful with the stove, etc. Talk to a psychiatrist to identify the severity of READ MORE
Safe environment at home, small tips about her room, where the bathroom is, close the fridge, be careful with the stove, etc. Talk to a psychiatrist to identify the severity of the dementia and do proper psychopharmacotherapy.
When should a person with Alzheimer's have assistance?
Recent memory declines very fast, and it’s really dangerous: getting lost, leaving food on the stove, running water, etc., so probably needs assistance ASAP.
How long do antidepressants remain addictive?
If SSRI should be tapered down.
What is most commonly prescribed for anxiety?
Benzodiazepines at the beginning and SSRI, then should be tapered from benzodiazepines bc they are addictive
How can I lower my social anxiety?
With special therapy where you can expose yourself to the stress, and medications can help as well.
Why is it so difficult to put your parent into hospice care?
Love and guilt that you are not doing enough.
Can a psychologist treat mental disorders?
Can do therapy, which is part of the treatment for mental illnesses.