Dentist Questions Dentist

Why am I so tired after wearing dentures?

I am a 65 year old male. I am very tired after wearing dentures all day. Why am I so tired after wearing dentures?

4 Answers

The dentures are not making you tired. There are hundreds of reasons to explain your fatigue before dentures are blamed.
This is an interesting question and leads me to want to ask more than have answers. I always say dentures are a replacement for NO teeth. They are not a replacement for YOUR teeth. There is a learning curve for any new dentures even if one has had dentures for many years. My best guess is that your muscles are working very hard to keep the dentures in place all day that your muscles are fatigued.

Hope this helps,

Jossi Stokes, DDS
Dentures do not make people feel tired.

I am not quite sure, but if they are ill-fitting and loose, maybe your facial muscles are overworking trying to keep them in your mouth! Thus leading to some fatigue.