Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions Bunions

Why are my feet so crooked?

My feet appear crooked. While I have no walking problems, they look ugly. I am afraid I'm starting to develop bunion and hammer toe like my mom has. But I am only 26. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from worsening?

17 Answers

This is a very complex issue. Please consult my office for a visit and we are happy to explain it to you.
Great assessment of your feet. Yes, you have a genetic predisposition to develop feet similar to your mom's feet. protecting the toes, stretching them morning and evening and using padding and making sure not to wear shoes that cramp up the toes. Pads can be over the counter pads, orthotics or custom made devices just for your feet.
Genetics rears its head in some foot conditions-especially when it comes to bunions and hammertoes.And it's usually from the Moms genetics so you can blame your Mom in a nice way and go get an Xray to see what the bone structure problem is.These problems will never resolve itself and are usually surgical cases.And also know that shoes accentuate the problem but usually never cause a problem.Most importantly, NEVER allow a surgeon talk you into a surgery.If it doesn't hurt before the surgery it can hurt worse after.
Custom orthotics may slow the progression, but, unfortunately, if this is a genetic condition it will progress. When shoes, including sneakers become problematic, surgery is indicated.
Most foot deformities and problems are hereditary unfortunately and many are difficult to treat later in life and often require surgery. However at the very least I would recommend orthotics for your feet and put in your shoes/sneakers this can slow down the progression of your problems, however will not reverse any issues already present. Hope this helps.
Your foot type is hereditary so you may be developing bunions and hammertoes. Not all bunions are painful. There is not much she can do to prevent this from occurring however the can accommodate the deformity by modifying shoe gear. If you would like to have it evaluated and x-rayed please feel free to call to schedule an appointment
Good supportive shoe gear can help like Asics or Brooks. I recommend Clarks for dress shoes. However, if you are developing bunions and hammer toes, these are progressive deformities and won't get better over time, and surgery may be necessary to correct these deformities.
Because you need your feet to be aligned with manipulation, which is my specialty, after I do that, I get insoles that will keep your feet where they belong.
Yes! You can prevent further development or become worst by using custom mold orthotic, bunion splint, gel web spacer, and hammer toe pad. You can evaluate your feet by foot and ankle surgeon nearby your home.
Custom orthotics; padding and strappings; wider shoes. Please make an appointment to evaluate your foot deformities.
Bunions and hammertoes can be hereditary. To prevent your feet from getting worse stretching exercises help as well as wearing support shoes. Avoid wearing high heel shoes over 2-3 inches or unsupportive shoes such as flip flops, especially as an all day shoe.
Developing bunions and hammertoes is not uncommon. I would need to evaluate you in person as it is difficult to address through this format. I would recommend an in person evaluation to properly address your concerns.
Getting an X-ray to evaluate the bone structures is a good idea. Sometimes orthotics or arch supports can be beneficial as well.

Jonathan M. Kletz, DPM
This is mostly genetic. As long as it is not painful and you have good sensation, there is no need to fix it. It will probably get worse. If you wear good shoes and stretch your calls muscles regularly, you can delay.
See a podiatrist. They may be able to stop the worsening or slow it down via foot orthotics or do the necessary surgery to correct what are probably hereditary deformities
Unfortunately, structural deformities of the feet, particularly bunions, are found to have a familial predisposition. They are more common in women. There are no long-term studies suggesting ability to inhibit deformity development with orthopedic bracing, exercises, shoe modification, or medication. We do appreciate environmental factors that may accelerate deformity presentation both in severity and symptoms. These include inappropriate foot wear, increased physical demands of loading to include
excessive body weight, injury, and concomitant disease states (often those that affect the musculoskeletal system, such as arthritis, connective tissue disorders, metabolic bone disease, etc.). Things we can do to minimize foot deformity impact on our quality of life - make sure shoes are well-fitted, accommodate foot structure well, and have limited heel height; maintain a healthy body weight; regular exercise that does not cause reproducible pain to the feet particularly over areas of deformity; and monitoring for any other associated signs such as developing joint pains to include feet and elsewhere in the body. Although feet may not always be aesthetically beautiful regarding deformity presentation, the more important aspect is that they are pain free and allow us to remain mobile and active. When dealing with these deformities, the latter must always be considered paramount.
It is an unfortunate truth that bunions have a genetic component and it seems you have inherited this problem from your mother. Orthotics can ‘slow’ the progression of a bunion but the disease process has begun in your case at a young age. If you would like a consultation please feel free to contact the office. Thank you for your question and feel free to call the office with any additional inquiries.