Hand Surgeon Questions Hand pain

Why are my hands hurting in the mornings?

When I wake up in the morning, I have a sharp stinging pain in my hands. It settles as the day goes but mornings is unbearable. What could be the reason for this pain?

3 Answers

It is important to always seek a medical evaluation by a licensed professional to ensure it is not the manifestation of something more serious. You also want to seek help sooner rather than later to prevent any further damage to the area.
There are many potential reasons. When you say "stinging," if you are referring to tingling, then this may be carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome oftentimes present with numbness and/or tingling at night or in the morning. You may want to try wearing carpal tunnel splints at night to see if you feel better. If not, see a hand specialist.
It’s hard to know just based on those symptoms alone. Could be early arthritis. But to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan, please visit your local hand surgeon.

Harrison Solomon, M.D.