“Why do I have lapses in hearing?”
I am a 56 year old female. When someone is speaking I don't hear everything they are saying. Why do I have lapses in hearing?
2 Answers
It is likely you have at least a mild hearing loss. I recommend you contact an audiologist for a comprehensive exam. Angela R. Sieh Ceretto, M.A., CCC-A, FAAA Audiologist Pinnacle Audiology, LLC 6809 S. Minnesota Ave., Suite 101 605-306-4481
Well, you're probably not having lapses. You probably have hearing loss and depending on the degree and pattern, it may affect you more in certain circumstances than others (i.e. background noise, group conversation, rapid speech, soft spoken people, people who do not enunciate, etc). I'd suggest a baseline hearing exam if you haven't had one recently. It's very common to start to noticing some hearing difficulties in your 50s and 60s.