Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

Why do I have small moles on my chin?

I am a 21 year old female. I have little moles on my chin. Why do I have small moles on my chin?

3 Answers

Moles can and do show up anywhere and the chin is no exception
If the spots you have are moles, then they could be from a multitude of things. Friction, trauma, sun burn, or just good luck ;)
It is normal to have new mole up into your 40s. But if they are growing fast or bothering you or doing something different than other moles on your body, you may want to get them check by a board certified dermatologist to make sure they aren’t some thing bad. Or, if you just want to get rid of them, again, a dermatologist can help you there and possibly choose an option that gets rid of them in a near scarless manner.
Hope this helps.

Warm regards,

Dr. James Contestable
Things that are bumpy and/or dark get called moles in the general public for lack of a better term. If we consider "moles" as a general term, then lots of different things might be affecting your chin. So, it would be pretty hard to give an exact answer without more information. In general "bumpiness" of the skin is usually associated with some type of cells growing and making those bumps. You can have ;pigment cells growing, hair follicle cells, little muscle cells, oil gland cells, sweat duct cells, vessel cells, etc. you see the point. I would seek out some help from a dermatologist. Seeing things like so much better for you. It will give you a much better understanding, than I can give you here.