Neurologist Questions Hand tremor

Why do my hands shake?

I'm only 23 years old and a student. For these past couple of months, my hands have been quite shaky and I can't control it at all. Sometimes it happens when I'm not fully hydrated, but then I drink a ton of water and they continue to shake. What could be the cause?

3 Answers

It could be benign, maybe caused by medications, anxiety, hyperthyroidism, etc. A physician would be able to determine if it is significant.
This can be essential tremor, especially since both your hands shake. Caffeine or anxiety are other common causes. If it is essential tremor, it is not affected by hydration, but there are medications that can help, including lipid-soluble beta-blockers and primidone, a type of seizure medication. While this is very often genetic, it can arise in new generations, but then you would have a 50% chance of passing it to your kids. While you have developed this at a young age, it usually develops in older adults and either your parents or your children may develop it at a different age.

Jennifer Lynch MD, FABSM
Possibly hyperthyroidism. Less likely Parkinson's at this age. Also, idiopathic.