Dentist Questions Dentist

Why do my dental implants hurt?

I am a 42 year old male. I had dental implants put in and they are so sore. Why do my dental implants hurt?

6 Answers

Ask the doc you gave the big bucks to!! He can maybe help you relieve the pain or decide if they are failing or not.
If they were just placed then the discomfort would be attributed to post-operative inflammation, however, if many months have gone by then proper healing may be a concern. Better to see your doctor.
If you just had the surgery, it is normal to have post operative soreness for up to 3-4 days. If they were placed many more days or even weeks ago, you should not be feeling anything. You should return to your surgeon to be evaluated for the cause of your soreness.
It’s your gum most likely not the implant
They shouldn’t get an exam and x-ray and find out why from a qualified dentist
They hurt because the surgeon drilled holes in your bone/jaw to place them. THe body does not like to be drilled on. The soreness will go away.