Orthopedist Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Why do my legs hurt for no reason?

I am a 27 year old female. My legs hurt for no reason almost every day, I don't work out. What could be the cause?

7 Answers

Hard to say without an exam, it could be as simple as your pelvis out of position. See a Doctor of Chiropractic for a complete exam.
There are many reasons they could be hurting from restless leg syndrome to muscle tightness caused by lack of activity. I suggest that you try stretching or doing yoga first to see if it is just muscles that are tight. Yoga is gentle and very effective. You can find a lot of good videos on Youtube as well. If there are no changes over a month or so, contact your PCP to have it checked out and you may need chiropractic or physical therapy. At that point, you need to see if the legs are being caused referred pain from the spine or buttocks area.
There are different types of pain and could be nerve pain or tight muscles among other things
An exam is necessary to find out.
There can be many causes for this pain. I recommend getting a Chiropractic examination as a starting place to identify the cause of your pain.
There is always a reason for pain, most often misalignments in your spine that you may not be aware of
Possibly a stress fracture