“Why does it takes months to a year to adopt a child?”
I am a 26 year old female. I was wondering why the process takes so long as it may discourage some people. Why does it takes months to a year to adopt a child?
1 Answer
The simple answer is (a) to ensure that the adoptive parent(s) are suitable (b) to find a good match, and (c) in Texas to meet the requirements of the Texas Family Code, which requires that an adoption cannot be finalized until the child has been in the custody of the adoptive parents for at least six months. The process is explained in detail at https://www.adoptionanswersinc.com/adoption-information/adoption-process-in-texas. Please do not be discouraged. I have seen the heartaches of children in situations where adoption is the best and only answer, and the happiness and reward of successful placements.