“Why does my tooth feels sharp after a filling?”
I am a 26 year old male. I got a filling last month. Now my tooth feels sharp. Why does my tooth feels sharp after a filling?
12 Answers
Great Question: the reason that a tooth will feel sharp after a filling is the proper marking paper,burs and polishers were not used to smooth as a final step in your procedure.
Dr Collier DDS
Dr Collier DDS
It could be some layer of bond, excess, or some extra filling material, or it could be not the best solution to treat the problem of the tooth. In many instances, we propose a treatment that we believe will best help the situation, but sometimes a patient asks, "Can't you do just a filling?" resulting in experiences like yours, discomfort, etc.
Madalina Iorgulescu, DMD, MDS, FACP
It could be some layer of bond, excess, or some extra filling material, or it could be not the best solution to treat the problem of the tooth. In many instances, we propose a treatment that we believe will best help the situation, but sometimes a patient asks, "Can't you do just a filling?" resulting in experiences like yours, discomfort, etc.
Madalina Iorgulescu, DMD, MDS, FACP
Fillings need to be adjusted and polished, usually after dental fillings, if needed. Please check with your dentist for a possible bite check and adjustment/polishing. To read more about dental filling (at our Hillsboro dental), please look at our page at:
Your tooth feels sharp because the filling that was placed was not smoothed/finished efficiently enough via the acting dentist. The filling just needs to be polished and refined to where you do not feel any sharpness anymore
There could be many reasons... if something feels different, it would be best to take a look at it.
Brandon Hedgecock, DDS
Brandon Hedgecock, DDS
The filling may just need to be polished if it felt sharp from the first appointment. If you have only noticed that its sharp recently, it may have chipped. In that case, see your dentist to check that it is still intact.
Hope that helps.
Dr. Johnson
Hope that helps.
Dr. Johnson
That is likely due to the way the filling was placed. This is an easy fix. Just go back to the Dentist who placed it, and they will be able to smooth the tooth, and without having to get you numb.