Orthopedist Questions Shoulder pain

Why does son have right shoulder pain?

My son is a pitcher and 13 years old. His right shoulder has been hurting him, and it's not really his pitching arm. Could this be caused by playing baseball? What do we do for it?

2 Answers

There are many reasons he could be having pain. A proper history and physical examination by an orthopedic specialist is the first step to finding the right diagnosis and treatment. If he has any fever, weight loss, or excruciating pain, you should take him to the emergency room to be evaluated if you cannot get an immediate appointment with an orthopedic specialist.

Ron Noy, MD
It's most likely an "overuse" injury. These are common in teenaged throwing athletes. If he doesn't get better with rest, reduction in throwing volume and velocity, and anti-inflammatory meds, he needs to see an orthopedic surgeon.

Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose