“Why is my gum swollen around one tooth?”
I am a 47 year old male. My gum is swollen around one tooth and its painful. What could be the cause?
8 Answers
Bone loss, foreign body impaction, mobility due to a habit or decay under the gum are just some of the possibilities. An X-ray can tell a lot more.
There are several causes and varies on where in the gum you are swollen. Ultimately, you should seek a dentist to take a look at it soon.
There are a variety of causes for a swelling around a tooth. Some of the more typical reasons range from a periodontal infection, a root canal infection, a fractured tooth infection, or even just a foreign object or food particle lodged beneath the gum tissue. The only way to determine the real cause is to be evaluated by a dentist both visually and radiographically. That way, a proper diagnosis can be made and your situation can be treated appropriately. A small swelling can lead to larger problems, so my advice is to be seen as soon as possible.
Good luck.
Good luck.
That swelling can be from several issues. Infection of gums, tooth caries, tooth nerve issues. You need a dental exam and xray to figure that out. Don’t wait. See your dentist.
Dr Jensen
Dr Jensen
Either a infection within your gums or the tooth needs a root canal. It will not heal on its own so you should see a dentist
That could be many things. Could be you have a gum or periodontal abscess. It could be your tooth has an abscess and the gum gets swollen as a result of that. You could have a viral infection on the gum. Best thing is to see a dentist and let them diagnose it for you.
Best Regards,
Dr. Mark Berkowitz
Best Regards,
Dr. Mark Berkowitz
Likely you have an infection in the gums, or you need a root canal on this tooth. Best to see your dentist.